
Interiérový dizajn na Instagrame: Týchto 10 profilov sa oplatí sledovať

15.05.2017, 19:35
Od svojho spustenia v roku 2010 sa spoločnosť Instagram stala sociálnym senzorom, ktorý umožňuje používateľom zdieľať obrázky a videá na celom svete.

Vo svete dizajnu sa táto platforma sociálnych médií stala čoraz populárnejšou vzhľadom na jej vizuálnu povahu a stala sa vynikajúcim zdrojom inšpirácie pre dizajn interiérov. Či už hľadáte nápady alebo ste len milovníkom dizajnu, pozrite sa na týchto 10 účtov Instagramu, ktoré by ste mali sledovať.


Hypnotizing. Xk #interiordesign #kwid #anguilla #hotel #graphic #pattern

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Dizajnérka Kelly Wearstler na svojom profile zobrazuje jej eklektický hollywoodsky pôvabný štýl.

Stairway to heaven. Xk #kellywearstlerinteriordesign #wallpaper #soho @leslieblodgett

A post shared by Kelly Wearstler (@kellywearstler) on


#ConsortNY is locked and loaded. Aaaand I'm still alive. Come visit us @consortdesign! 155 Duane St.

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Spoluvlastník spoločnosti Consort v Los Angeles, Mat Sanders zaznamenáva jeho veselé vzory a život vo svojich fotografiách na tomto instagramovom profile.

Sneak Peek! ??? @consortdesign

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Kreatívny riaditeľ spoločnosti Homepolish LA, Orlando Soria nemusí byť meno, ktoré poznáte, ale mali by ste. Soria komicky zdieľa svoj život prostredníctvom sociálnej siete vrátane svojich ciest, návrhov a kuchyne.

I have made zero progress on my #summerbod because I've been stuck inside styling photoshoots for my book (which is gonna be hilarious if the stupid-dumb pics we're taking are an indication of, like, anything). BUT DON'T ALLOW MY BURGERBODY TO GET U DOWN! I've actually made progress in so many other areas: 1) These paintings (they're not done yet, I have to add the giant circle to the middle but I'm loving them so far. Special thanks to my homie @swabyjustin for making the triangle stretchers for me). 2) I found a place to display my Isabella Rossellini @interviewmag from 1988 - I love these vintage Interviews so much, the covers are all gorgeous hand-painted works of art. 3) Ceramic Horse Flute Sculpture Thing found a place to graze on my GIANT CHEESE WEDGE coffee table - a Craigslist find. 4) @traderjoes has the best, most fragrant freesia right now and I've been going over to it every six minutes to nuzzle my nose against it and whisper things about how much I love spring. 5) I hid my remote controls so I wouldn't have to look at them - YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHERE. 6) ONLY ONE MORE WEEK OF SHOOTING #hommemakerbook AND I COULD NOT BE MORE READY TO BE DONE. These shoots have been fun and exhausting and I'm ready to get to writing. It's basically been like finals week for the last few months, roughly 50 photoshoots in 60 days. In conclusion, I may be a puff pastry with arms right now but I arranged my living room, so that's something I guess. AIGHT BYE HAVE A GOOD SUNDAY, GO SIT IN A ROCKING CHAIR ON A PORCH SOMEWHERE, DRINK LEMONADE, AND YELL AT NEIGHBORCHILDREN WHO WALK PAST IF THEY ARE TOO LOUD OR DOING ANYTHING YOU DISAPPROVE OF. #chateaulando #victim #hommemakerbook

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Jeanine Hays a Bryan Mason z Aphrochic v Brooklyne miešajú dizajn a životný štýl, pričom znázorňujú kultúrnu rozmanitosť svetového dizajnu.


Instagram dizajnérskej stránky je plný očarujúcich obrázkov zameraných na túžby modernej ženy. S takouto módou, nábytkom a luxusom nemôže nič pokaziť.


Existuje dôvod, že je špičková návrhárka interiérov Emily Hendersonová na tomto zozname. Bezchybne skomponuje elegantné a zároveň eklektické priestory, ktoré stelesňujú a živú a hravú esenciu.


Justina Blakeney bez námahy zachytáva hravú exotiku s jej jedinečným tropickým štýlom. So svojím dizajnovým štúdiom a blogom vhodne pomenovaným The Jungalow ukazuje divokú stránku dizajnu.


Dizajnérka interiérov Nicole Gibbons z New Yorku zdieľa domáce, módne a lifestylové tipy, rovnako ako odkaz na jej dobre udržiavaný blog.

So this morning I had an early flight to SanFrancisco and barely made it by the skin of my teeth! I left home with only an hour to spare before the flight and the airport is 30 minutes away plus there was crazy traffic so it took longer. There's no way I should have made it but the security line was empty, my gate wasn't too far and it was all some sort of miracle! The not so good part is that it involved racing through the airport with my carry-on, sweating and having a borderline panic attack all while they were paging last call for my my name as I ran at full speed. It was... So. Much. Fun. ? Anyway - this chic and serene bedroom by @drake__anderson from the #kipsbayshowhouse16 makes me forget all about my airport drama this morning. Can never go wrong with soothing blues and gray! ?

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Amber Lewis očarí svojimi fotografiami svetových malieb a zemitým ale moderným nábytkom. Jej odlišný štýl je súčasný a sofistikovaný.

S0 excited to announce that I’ll be moderating the #BestoftheWest panel at @lasvegasmarket next Monday! What a better excuse to go to Vegas than a chance to interview some super talented west coast designer homies!!! - am I right? Wanna know who I am interviewing?? A bunch of cool people, and I will be posting rooms from each of them over the next few days. BUT Because I am a bit bias, I will start with my closest friend I never see @brian.paquette.interiors !!! Besides stating the obvious that this guy has some legit design chops, he also is funny, cute, super sassy, and a fellow obsessive interior junkie nerd who geeks out on dumb details just like me.!! You should follow his insta for the proof ? If your are going to be at #LVMkt come and say hi, and maybe watch the panel discussion.// Monday, Jan 23rd from 1-2:30 in Building C Surya Seminar Room C174//

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Tento profil sa zameriava na rôzne témy vrátane životného štýlu, dizajnu, zábavy, módy, cestovania atď.

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05. október 2024 17:24