
Marketers. Success doesn´t come to you? Zlepšite si angličtinu

14.11.2013, 11:00
Anglické skratky, frázy a slovíčka, ktoré by nemali chýbať v slovníku marketingového manažéra.

Čo je vašou parketou, B2B alebo B2C segment? A aké ste dosiahli KPIs? Ak netušíte, na čo sa pýtame a pracujete v marketingu, niekde sa stala chyba.  V spolupráci s anglickým jazykovým centrom The Bridge sme pre vás pripravili anglické cvičenia. Prvé  prináša prehľad najčastejšie používaných marketingových skratiek, ich význam. Druhým cvičením si zase rozšírite anglickú slovnú zásobu.

Have a look at some of the most often used abbreviations in Marketing.


Business to Business

advertising or sales intended for consumption by businesses



Business to Consumer

advertising or sales intended for consumption by consumers



Below the Fold

the "fold" is the bottom of the web page once it first loads. Anything underneath this line in the page is considered "below the fold." The most important information on your page should, ideally, be located above the fold



abbreviation for robot (also called a "spider"J. It refers to software that scans the web. Bots vary in purpose from indexing web pages for search engines to harvesting e-mail addresses for spammers



Click-Through Rate

rate at which a user clicks on an ad



Key performance indicator

KPis are established by business owners depending on the campaign. KPis are generally the most important metrics in measuring a particular ad campaign




an advertising pricing model in which advertisers pay based on how many consumers clicked on a promotion




an adver­ tising pricing model in which advertisers pay agencies based on how many times an ad is viewed



Really Simple Syndication

an XML (extensible markup language, similar to HTMLJ format for distributing news headlines on the Web, also known as syndication



Search Engine Optimization

the ongoing process of making a site and its content highly relevant for both search engines and searchers



Social Media Marketing

the practice of selling or promoting products via social media channels, ranging from blogs and videos to direct outreach via Facebook and other social networking websites



Social Media Optimization

SMO refers to the most effective to a business


Improve your vocabulary.

Classified ads


small advertisements in newspapers or magazines, divided into categories




an advertisement on radio or television


Generic advertisin


an advertisement for a whole sector, such as tourism, rather than a speci ic product


Brand awareness


whether consumers know that a brand exists, how easily


News coverage


how much time and attention is given to a news story or event on TV, radio or newspapers


Display ads


ads displayed on websites, which can be static or animated and Circulation - the average number of copies of a magazine or newsp er distributed, or the number of people who will potentially see a billboar or poster




a colloquial term for new products which are almost identical copies of competitors' best-selling items




an advertisement's headline or the text accompanying an illustration or photograph




consumers who have seen or heard a media vehicle, whether or not they paid attention to it


Pripravené v spolupráci s anglickým jazykovým centrom The Bridge.

Angličtinu pre obchodníkov nájdete v HN Poradni už budúci štvrtok.

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