
Manažér bez dobrej angličtiny? To je kariérna samovražda

07.11.2013, 10:15
Anglické frázy a slovíčka, ktoré by nemali chýbať v slovníku manažéra.

Skúšajú vás na pohovoroch z angličtiny? Prirodzene, bez dobrej angličtiny sa dnes ďaleko nepohnete. V spolupráci s anglickým jazykovým centrom The Bridge sme pre vás pripravili anglické cvičenia. Pomôžu vám rozšíriť si slovnú zásobu a potrénovať formálnu i neformálnu komunikáciu s klientom.


Learn formal and informal phrases for your business writing.




I/We regret to inform you that...


I am sorry to have to tell you that... 

I am afraid that I must inform you of/that...


I am sorry to have to tell you that... 

I/We wish to draw your attention to...


I wanted to inform you about...

I am writing to complain about...


I would like to complain about...

I am writing to confirm...


I´m writing to let you know...

I am writing to enquire about...


I´d like to know more about...

With reference to your phone call today...


As we have already talked about...

Please accept our/my sincere apologies.


I/We are very sorry...

I/We apologise for the inconvenience.


Sorry for the inconvenience.

I would be delighted to...


I will be happy to...

I would be grateful / would appreciate if you could...


Could you please...?

If you would like any more information please do not hesitate to contact me on...


In case I can be any further help, feel free to contact me on...

I would appreciate your immediate attention to the matter.


I would appreciate if you could sort it out as soon as possible.

I look forward to meeting you next Tuesday.


See you next Tuesday.

I look forward to an opportunity to speak with you personally. 


Looking forward to talk to you.

I look forward to a successful working relationship in the future.


Looking forward to our future cooperation.


Druhým cvičením si rozšírite slovnú zásobu.

Improve your vocabulary

Assumption a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof


a limitation or restriction outside the control of the project team

Critical path

the critical path is the sequence of activities that must be completed on schedule for the entire project 


any tangible outcome that is produced by the project


refers to the process use to build the deliverables produced by the project


it is a scheduling event that signifies the completion of a deliverable


the way you describe the boundaries of the project


people or groups who have a stake in the outcome of the project


usually a group of high-level stakeholders who are responsible for providing guidance on overall strategic direction


a combination of two things, especially companies, into one


Zdroj: The Bridge

Angličtinu pre marketérov nájdete v HN Poradni už budúci štvrtok.

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08. júl 2024 05:44