
Ousted Farm Minister Accuses Prime Minister Fico of Manipulation

26.11.2007, 09:03

Miroslav Jurena (LS-HZDS) whom Prime Minister Fico forced to leave the post of agriculture minister sees behind his dismissal an attack prepared in advance by SMER-Social Democracy against its coalition partner the People's Party-Movement for Democratic Slovakia (LS-HZDS). In his opinion, SMER-SD behaved as an unreliable partner that violates agreements. Speaking at a political debate program on the private TV channel JOJ on Sunday, Mr. Jurena accused Prime Minister Fico of manipulating the public opinion in this case. He does not consider it normal that the prime minister communicated his opinions to the land transfer case in the Slovak Land Fund to his coalition partners through the media and he refused to discuss them "like a man" face to face at the table. He sees as motivation behind this an effort to assume control over the Slovak Land Fund (SPF), which manages all land in Slovakia owned by the state.
Deputy chairman of SMER-SD Marek Madaric presented the interpretation of his party to the dispute. He said the dismissal of Mr. Jurena was a signal to his party that practices from the 1990s would not be repeated. He pointed out the eight years of political isolation for the LS-HZDS, from which it was only freed by this governing coalition. SMER-SD is criticized for this cooperation, therefore people close to LS-HZDS and nominees of this party cannot resort to such practices. He described considerations of the LS-HZDS that it could leave government and joint the opposition as nothing but "an awkward theater".
Chairman of the opposition Christian-Democratic Movement (KDH) Pavol Hrusovsky sees in the actions of SMER-SD a political game with the aim to split the LS-HZDS. He ruled out that if the LS-HZDS leaves the coalition the KDH would step in. The KDH will not play a substitute and will not cooperate with parties of this governing coalition during this election term, he said.
At its news conference on November 12, the opposition KDH accused the government of cronyism claiming that this is documented by the latest case of dubious land transfers at the Slovak Land Fund, under the supervision of nominees of the People's Party-Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (LS-HZDS). KDH Chairman Hrusovsky said then that he believes the disputable property restitution on the basis of which a private company close to the ruling coalition LS-HZDS got hold of land worth nearly SKK 1.5 billion, was a reward for loyalty to LS-HZDS Chairman Vladimir Meciar. Eventually, Prime Minister Fico forced Agriculture Minister Jurena out of office.

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