
Pension Companies Might not be Allowed to Invest in Real-Estate Funds

16.10.2007, 08:13

Pension fund management companies (DSS) in Slovakia probably will not be allowed to invest money from the second pension pillar into real-estate funds. Although Labor Minister Viera Tomanova wanted to introduce this possibility in the law on retirement pension savings through the draft revision to the social-insurance law, deputy from her party Jana Valova (SMER-SD) suggested this provision be dropped from the submitted revision. The parliamentary committee for social affairs and housing approved this proposal.
"I this these investments carry increased risk, while the price of shares such funds is developing based on different criteria than in case of standard investment instruments," Ms. Valova explained her amending proposal. The Labor Ministry wanted to enable pension fund management companies to invest in real-estate funds "in order to widen the possibilities of using investment instruments".

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