
PM Fico and MFA Kubis Leave for Strasbourg on Monday

21.01.2008, 06:21

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico will leave for Strasbourg on Monday where he will deliver a speech at meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (CE). During his stay in Strasbourg, Mr. Fico will hold talks with the CE Parliamentary Assembly President, Rene van der Linden and the CE Secretary General, Terry Davis. Mr. Fico's visit is connected with Slovakia's presidency over the CE ministerial committee. Slovakia presides the political body of the oldest Paneuropean organization for the fist time. During Slovakia's presidency that will last until mid-May, the body will have to take a stand on potential unilateral declaration of the southern Serbian province of Kosovo.
Slovak Foreign Affairs Minister Jan Kubis will accompany Mr. Fico during his stay in Strasbourg. Mr. Kubis should address deputies from 47 countries at the CE Parliamentary Assembly meeting with the speech on the Kosovo issue on Tuesday. Mr. Kubis is also scheduled to meet the CE Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg and the Secretary of the European Commission for Democracy through Law, Gianni Buquicchio.

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