
Tomanova Will not Recommend Citizens to Quit Second Pillar

05.11.2007, 06:40

Labor Minister Viera Tomanova (SMER-SD) in a regular political debate on TV Joj evaded answering the question as to what groups of citizens would she recommend to quit the second (capitalization) pension pillar. "In the social sphere you can never unambiguously describe that this is advantageous or disadvantageous for you," she said, adding that every citizen must consider maintenance in the capitalization pillar on his/her own. The Labor Ministry explained opening of the second pillar by the fact that it is disadvantageous for a part of savers. However, Tomanova only mentioned those whose entry in the capitalization pillar was mandatory and they sue pension fund management companies, and people close to the retirement age who would not be able to save for a pension rent. She finds introduction of the principle of voluntary entry to be the biggest contribution of the amendment, since it will secure that only those people would be in the second pillar who decided so and want to be there.
Tomanova believes that prolongation of the mandatory saving period from ten to fifteen years does not contradict to the Slovak Constitution. Savers will be free to decide whether they accept the change or quit the second pillar. She said that the change is beneficial for citizens, since they will save 50 percent more money in this way. In contrast, deputy of the opposition Hungarian Coalition Party (SMK) Bela Bugar assumes this is a retroactive provision and they are ready to turn to the Constitutional Court if the law takes effect.
The current government should be more sensitive in the issue of minorities and prevent thus a tension in mutual relations, assumes Bugar. He said that the mutual trust was damaged by the government's procedure in financing the minority culture, as well as the Education Ministry's steps that violate the previous standards. However, Bugar also took a critical stance on his own party. He labeled opening of the issue of the Benes Decrees a mistake.

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