
Finance Ministry Chooses Developer of Euro Information Website

23.10.2007, 08:09

A company called Tempest will develop and operate an information website on the euro adoption process in Slovakia, the government plenipotentiary for the euro adoption Igor Barat told SITA. The Finance Ministry chose this company from six bidders that enrolled in a public tender with the lowest price requested being a decisive selection criterion. When announcing a tender the ministry estimated the price of the order at SKK 5 million. Mr. Barat expects a public presentation of the new website to take place by the end of this year. The Finance Ministry announced a tender for a company to create and operate the euro information website in early September of this year. The website should be a part of the communication strategy on the euro adoption process. Tender applicants must have documented annual sales for website development of over SKK 3.5 million in the past three years.
Tempest has been operating on the Slovak IT market since 1992 and its labor force is currently over 200. The company was involved in info-communications projects in the telecommunications, finance, industry and state administration sectors. Last year Tempest made an acquisition of Login, a.s., a provider of solutions in the field of securing reliable and safe operation of technical infrastructure of informatics in its application in business operations. Its sales amounted to SKK 971 million last year with revenues from goods sold making up SKK 587 million and sales of own products SKK 384 million.

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19. september 2024 19:10