
Railway Company ZSSK will not Raise Fares When Euro is Introduced

10.05.2007, 09:10

The Slovak railway transport operator Zeleznicna Spolocnost Slovensko, a.s. (ZSSK) does not plan to increase ticket prices following the projected introduction of the single European currency in Slovakia in 2009. The company's director general, Milan Chupek, said that at the end of 2008, fare tariffs would be adjusted to the euro, but without increasing fares. Mr. Chupek said this during a meeting on Wednesday with the Slovak Cabinet's appointee for the introduction of the euro, Igor Barat.
Mr. Chupek said that the company is well prepared for euro introduction and should face no major problems in that respect. ZSSK has signed the Ethical Code of Businessmen for euro introduction, obliging it not to abuse the euro introduction for unreasonable price moves of products and services and, in the same spirit, it should also influence its suppliers and clients. The sphere in which the firm claims the highest level of readiness for the euro, above 90 percent and perhaps close to 100 percent, is in the sale of travel tickets, said its director general.

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06. október 2024 06:13