
Baby names

12.03.2007, 23:00

There are 24 mistakes in the text. Correct them

1. One of the first challenges that new parents face is choose a name for their new baby. This may sound like no-brainer and something low on the list of priorities, when faced with the seemingly daunting world of parentship. Even so, choosing baby names can be very time-consuming, frustration and even a source of consternation for new parents.

2. There are so many things to considered when selecting the perfect name for your child. Many parents don't have a clue about where to begin and feel completely overwhelmed. The best place to start is with list. Both parents should take a few minutes and jot down the first ten baby names that comes to mind that they would deem suitable for the new baby. It's not as difficult as it sounds - it's actually surprising, how many unique and quality names have been stored in your memory, just as you go through your every day life. Make sure that you list names for both boys and girls, unless you already knew the sex of your baby.

3. Once the lists are complete, both parents should sit down and to eliminate any names that either parent objects to. Even if only a couple of names remains between the two lists, this is a good start.

4. The next step, after this brainstormed session, is to define some agreed upon parameters for your baby names. Think about and discuss your preferences for cultural backgrounds, family names and number of syllables. You can also narow it down to include only names starting with specifical letters. Listen for potential names when you're in the grocery store, listening for the radio and walking through a park. You'll be surprised at how tuned in you become.

5. Make sure to use the Internet when hunting to baby names. So much of the work is already done for you. Using any search engine, type in the phrase 'baby names' and a huge amount of websites will disappear, handling all facets of the subject.

6. As you start to narrow down your list, pay special atention to the potential for teasing. Think of any negative words that may rhime with or sound like the names you are considering. Also, look out for undesirable letter combinations formed by the initials of any baby names that have maked it on your list.

7. It is also good idea, to ask friends and family for their thoughts and ideas. But beware! Your parents are from another generation and they may be stick in a rut when it comes to good baby name choices. Too, siblings can be very opinionated and may try to take over the naming proces. Just remember, that getting opinions on your baby names can be helping, but at the end of the day, what you name your baby is up to you and your partner. You have the final say!

8. So remember, choosing a name for your baby is a big job, but it can be a lot of fun and its´ a good way to get your mind off the aches and pains that come with pregnancy. Going over baby names is something you can do with your partner, and it allows them to play an active role in the baby's life even before the actually birth. So rather than waiting to the last minute, take the time to go through the process, and you'll be sure to select a name that is perfect for your baby and lasts a lifetime!

§1, to choose/choosing, parenthood, frustrating, §2, consider, a list, come, know, §3, eliminate, remain, §4, brainstorming, narrow, specific, listening to, §5, hunting for, appear, §6, attention, rhyme, made, §7, a good idea, stuck, process, helpful, §8, it's, actual




Write the correct form of the comparative or superlative.

1. This is ...................mountain in the country. (high)
2. she´s only twelve, but she´s ....................her mother. (tall)
3. He´s just in the shop. (expensive)
4. Petty´s ......................student in the class. (intelligent)
5. My uncle (short)
6. It that I have ever seen. (ugly)
7. I had of my life. (wonderful)
8. He´s .................................person I´ve ever seen.
9. Food (expensive).
10. This school is.......................the other one. (good).


1. the highest, 2. taller than, 3. the most expensive, 4. the most intelligent, 5. shorter than, 6. the ugliest, 7. the most wonderful, 8. the laziest, 9. more expensive, 10. better than


COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS alebo slová, ktoré si často mýlime

continuous - plynulý, nepretržitý, bez prerušenia. Viaže sa na priestor a čas. (The cliffs form a continuous line along the coast.)
continual - často sa dejúci, frekventovaný jav s prerušením
(The bus service has been disrupted by continual breakdowns.)

draft - náčrt, skica, projekt – predbežná verzia. (I gave the CEO a draft of the new marketing strategy.) 
draught - čapovaný (I feel like going out for a glass of draught beer.)

proscribe - formálne sloveso s významom „zakázať,“ alebo „posúdiť“ (Speaking aloud during the trial was proscribed by the judge.)
prescribe - predpísať, alebo autoritatívne odporučiť (I need to have my medicine prescribed.)


Starting a presentation

In modern English, Presentations tend to be much less formal than they were even twenty years ago. Most audience these days prefer a relatively informal approach. However, there is a certain structure to the opening of a Presentation that you should observe.

Get people's attention
If I could have everybody's attention. – Môžem poposiť o pozornosť.
If we can start.  – Ak môžeme začať.
Perhaps we should begin?  - Hádam by sme mali začať.
Let's get started.  – Začnime.
Welcome them
Welcome to Microsense. – Vítajte v Microsense.
Thank you for coming today.  – Ďakujem, že ste dnes prišli.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.  – Dobré ráno, dámy a páni.
On behalf of Intellik, I'd like to welcome you. – Rád by som vás privítal v mene spoločnosti Intellik.
Introduce yourself
My name's Jane Shaw. I'm responsible for travel arrangements. – Volám sa Jane Shaw. Som zodpovedná za cestovné dohody.

For those of you who don't know me, my name's Tom Stotter. – Pre tých, ktorí ma nepoznajú – volám sa Tom Stotter.

As you know, I'm in charge of public relations. – Ako viete, mám na starosti Public Relations.

I'm the new Marketing Manager. – Som nový manažér marketingu.
State the purpose of your presentation
This morning I'd like to present our new processor. – Dnes ráno by som rád odprezentoval náš nový procesor.

Today I'd like to discuss our failures in the Japanese market and suggest a new approach. – Dnes ráno by som rád predebatoval naše zlyhanie na japonskom trhu a navrhol nový prístup.

This afternoon, I'd like to report on my study into the German market. – Dnešné poobedie by som rád referoval o svojej štúdii nemeckého trhu.

What I want to do this morning is to talk to you about our new mobile telephone system. – Čo chcem dnes ráo urobiť, je hovoriť o novom mobilnom telefónnom systéme.

What I want to do is to tell you about our successes and failures in introducing new working patterns.
Čo chcem, je povedať vám o našich úspechoch a zlyhaniach v zavádzaní nových pracovných postupov.

What I want to do is to show you how we've made our first successful steps in the potentially huge Chinese market. Čo vám chcem ukázať, je ako sme urobili svoje prvé úspešné kroky na potenciálne obrovskom trhu.
State how you want to deal with questions.
If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them as we go along. – Ak máte nejaké otázky, rád ich pre vás priebežne zodpoviem.
Feel free to ask any questions.  – Pokojne sa pýtajte akékoľvek otázky.
Perhaps we can leave any questions you have until the end? – Možno by sme mohli nechať otázky až nakoniec?
There will be plenty of time for questions at the end. – Na konci bude veľa času na otázky.



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29. september 2024 12:32