
Man, is that school boring!

12.03.2007, 23:00

Modify the words written in bold letters so that they will logically and grammatically fit the text

"School is real boring. i dont like it at all! i can name all reasons why i hate school (more then 3!) School is boring. Teachers can be strict! All people do there is sleep and then gets detention. School can be a big pain when fights go on. Some students are darn big and waiting for fights so they can beat up people and be a bully and ect. i can name more, but i dont wanna," a teenager wrote on the Internet.
All students dream of having a two years´ vacation describe in the famous Jules Verne´s novel. And some of them turn this dream in reality. “Bunking off, bobbing, wagging, skiving,  playing hooky, jigging, ditching, skipping, sluffing, kidding, and cutting class“ are slang words invented by students for truancy. Truancy is excuse absence from compulsory school, caused by students on their own free will. As it is often a symptom of more serious problems and a precursor of juvenile and adult criminal, truancy prevention must be the concern of the whole society.

Research shows clear connect between chronic truancy and poverty, dysfunctional families, poor school atmosphere, community and family attitudes to education, and problems on the side of a student.

Bad school atmosphere, name attitudes of teachers, students, and administrators, an ability to cope with diverse cultural and learning styles of some students, bullying, inconsistent attendance policies, and lack of meaning consequences contribute significantly to truancy.

Students´ social background has a mass impact on their school attendance, too. Problems in the family, especially health or financial concerns, parents with multiple jobs, drug abuse, domestic violence, and lack of child care and parent supervision can result in school absenteeism. Negative attitudes to school in the community and especially a power negative peer influence can also motivate a teen to stay away from school.
Final, there are factors on the side of a student. They can be drug and alcohol abuse, ignorance of attendance laws, physical and emotional ill-health, lack of interest, behavior difficult at school or low academic achieve--though even the highest achieving students may be labeled truants because they cut class. For some youngsters, truancy may be an act of rebellion against everything from school to the society as a whole.
Truancy is a predictor of desire outcomes in adolescence. It has been clearly identified as one of the early warning signs of potential juvenile deliquent activity, social isolation, substance abuse, teen pregnancy, drop out of school and gang and criminal activity. There is an obvious link between truancy and problems in adult age such as violence, marital and job problems, criminality, and incarceration, particular among males. Moreover, findings indicate that chronic truancy in elementary school is also linked to serious delinquent behavior at age 12 and under.
detention - po škole za trest, darn - poriadne (slang), a bully – ten, kto šikanuje,  to bully - šikanovať,  inconsistent - nedôsledný, substance abuse - závislosť, incarceration - uväznenie

described, unexcused, schooling, criminality, connection, namely, inability, meaningful, massive, parental, powerful, finally, behavioural, difficulties, achievements, undesirable, dropping, particularly



 1. The weather was great. We ......... (sit) outside the house
    and ......... (enjoy) the first warm day of the year
    when down the road ......... (come) a tall dark man.
 2. Ten and ten ......... (make) twenty.
 3. Wait till she ......... (return).
 4. If Sarah was a chemist, she ......... (work) in a lab.
 5. Why are you late today? What . ......... (happen)?
 6. You are so strange these days. What ......... (go on)?
 7. We have heard that you .... (move) in your new flat next week.
 8. I do not like teachers who ......... (shout) at their students.
 9. Next year they .... (live) in Sydney for 15 years.
 10. Is Sally in? - No. I ......... (wait) here for an hour.
11. What .......................... (you, do) this time yesterday?
12. It´s the bell. The lesson .......................... (begin).
13. When his father was ill, he ................... (to see) him every day.
14. This isn´t Tom´s money. You ..........................
      (take) it during the class when he .......................... (not look).
15. I .......................... (not finish) his breakfast before he left.
16. My back hurts. I .......................... (work) in the garden.
17. You can´t use the copier. It ......................... (be) fixed at the moment.
18. This is Judy. You must ......................... (meet) her at the meeting yesterday.
19. It was raining. Alan ......................... (walk) and .........................(think) about the time
      when .........................(be) in Paris for the first time.
20. The party is so boring. I wish I .........................(not accept) the invitation.
21. When ......................... (you - get) the cat? - Last month.


a. didn´t he? b. don't they? c. will you? d. shall we? e.aren´t I?  f. isn´t there? g. should they? h. didn´t we? i. isn´t it? j. wasn´t it? k. mustn´t I? l. am I? m. did they? n. didn´t it? o. hasn´t she/he?


COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS alebo slová, ktoré si často mýlime

appraise = ohodnotiť, oceniť, odhadnúť to appraise the situation/needs; we had the house appraised by an expert before we bought it
apprise = informovať, oznámiť
to be apprised of the situation; you didn´t apprise us of our rights

as = "ako" v spojeniach "such as", "so/as ... as", "as ... as" a pri vyjadrení reality, reálneho faktu she works as a waitress(= she is a waitress); I meant it as a joke ( = it was a joke); he is not so/as lazy as you; the new software was as cheap as  the old one
like = "ako" pri vyjadrení podobnosti s realitou, reálnym faktom He looks like his brother. You're acting like a complete idiot! He was dressed like a waiter. (= but you aren´t a waiter); It sounded like a joke. (= but it was not a joke)
than = "ako" pri porovnaní
younger than me


Running a Business Meeting

Voting III/Hlasovanie III

All those in favor of the motion = All those in the affirmative raise your hand and wait until counted,  please. - Tí, ktorí ste za návrh, zdvihnite ruku a počkajte, kým sa neskončí zrátavanie hlasov.
Lower hands please. Thank you. - Dajte ruky dolu, prosím.

All those opposed = All those in the negative raise your right hand and wait until counted please. - Tí, ktorí ste proti, zdvihnite ruku a počkajte, kým sa neskončí zrátavanie hlasov.
Lower hands please. Thank you. - Dajte ruky dolu, prosím.

After the votes are counted, the chair will announce the result of the vote saying:

The motion/resolution/amendment/... is/has been adopted = accepted = passed = agreed = carried/lost
= defeated = rejected = refused. - Návrh/rezolúcia/zmena = dodatok/... je/bol  prijatý/zamietnutý.

… by 9 votes in favor (of the motion) = 9 in the affirmative = 9 "for" votes = 9 "aye" votes - 9 hlasmi za
… by 9 votes opposed = 9 in the negative = 9 "against" votes = 9 "no" votes - 9 hlasmi proti
… with 2 abstentions = 2 abstainees = 2 abstaining – 2 sa zdržali hlasovania
... by majority vote. - ... väčšinou hlasov.
... by a majority of six votes. - ... väčšinou 6 hlasov.
... by 9 votes to 6 with one member abstaining - ... 9 hlasmi proti 6. Jeden člen sa zdržal hlasovania.
... by a vote of 7 in favour, with none against. - ... 7 hlasmi za, nikto nebol proti.

The vote was unanimous. - Výsledok hlasovania je jednomyseľný = jednohlasný.
There was no abstention (from voting). - Nikto sa nezdržal hlasovania.
We are split. There was/is no real consensus on the three proposals.- Naše názory sa rôznia. Nie nebola/nie je skutočná zhoda, pokiaľ ide o tieto 3 návrhy.
There are 9 votes in the affirmative, and 12 in the negative, so the motion is lost. - 9 hlasov je za a 12 proti, takže návrh je zamietnutý.
The ... requires general consent/at least 51% to make a ballot valid. - ... vyžaduje jednohlasný výsledok  hlasovania/aspoň 51%, aby bolo tajné hlasovaie platné.
The vote is (declared) invalid/void. - Hlasovanie je neplatné.
I declare the results/the vote invalid and order a repeat vote/a new vote. - Vyhlasujem  výsledky/hlasovanie za neplatné a nariaďujem opakovanie hlasovania/nové hlasovanie. 



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05. júl 2024 13:07