
First viking (and european ?) to set foot in north america

12.03.2007, 23:00

Which word in the pairs written in bold letters is correct? 

Christopher Columbus was the first European to discover the New World. This popular 1/believe/belief is challenged by some experts who think that Columbus did not reach the New World 2/untill/until 1492, 500 years after the arrival of a man named Leif Erikson in 1001 AD.    

According to old sagas, Leif Erikson (also spelled Leiv, Ericsson, Eiriksson) came from a long line of explorers and 3/excelent/excellent seamen. His great-great-great uncle, Nadod, discovered Iceland in about 861. He was born between 960 and 970 AD in the Viking settlement of Iceland as the second son of Erik Thorwaldson, known as Erik the Red (because of his red hair and beard), 4/which/who around 970-98 discovered and settled Greenland.
In his early twenties, Leif 5/cought/caught the hereditary exploring bug. First he captained a voyage to Norway. His voyage to the New World followed some time later. Old sources disagree about what had 6/preceeded/preceded this risky adventure. One theory is that Leif came 7/of/off course and quite by chance came to the shores of northwestern America. However, according to the Greenland Saga, generally believed to be trustworthy, Lief´s discovery was no mere chance. The saga tells that Leif as a young boy heard a story told by a trader Bjarni Hergelfsond of how bad weather 8/had made/has made him and his crew sail for many days till they finally spotted some land, but they did not go ashore. They kept sailing and found another land, flat and forest covered, but they did not land there either as they 9/were heading/headed for Greenland. According to the saga Leif fitted out an expedition and sailed west to find the lands about which Bjarni had spoken.
First Leif and his men came upon a harsh, rocky place which is thought to have been Baffin Island. Then sailing further south, they came upon a flat and wooded place with white, sandy beaches--probably the eastern coast of Canada. Finally, further south they 10/had found/found an even more pleasant land with plenty of salmon in the river and mild climate where they settled. One of the men found wild grapes, so Leif named the new land Vinland. They stayed at this place over the winter. Then Leif and his crew returned back to Greenland. Because he 11/travelled/had travelled such a great distance without any troubles, Leif became known as "Leif the Lucky".
Very little is known about Leif's later life. He did not go to Vinland any more. After his father died, Leif became an important person in Greenland. He is assumed 12/to die/to have died around 1025.
The exact location of Vinland remains the matter of controversy. Research done in the 1950s and 1960s strongly suggests that the settlement of Leif Ericson in Vinland may 13/have been located/have located at the tip of Newfoundland known as L'Anse aux Meadows. A long archaeological dig found dwellings, tools and implements that verified its time frame more than five hundred years before Christopher Columbus. Named a World Heritage 14/site/side by UNESCO, it is thought by many to be the Leif Erikson´s  Vinland settlement. 

1 belief, 2 until, 3 excellent, 4 who, 5 caught, 6 preceded, 7 off, 8 had made, 9 were heading, 10 found, 11 had travelled, 12 to have died, 13 have been located, 14 site


REVISION   Vyberte správnu možnosť.

1. How ............... bread shall I buy?
    a., many          b., some            c., much           d., lot
2. Why have you got so .............. problems with your teeth?
     a., many          b., --               c., much           d., lot
3. He ............... silly mistakes.
    a., always makes   b., doesn´t makes 
    c., never does       d., is often doing
4. How long ................ Italian?
    a., have been you learning            b., you have been learning
    c., have you been learning            d., have you learning
5. Sue ............... to move to Glasgow soon.
    a., will          b., must            c., goes           d., is going
6. I do not know where your book is. If I, I´ll tell you.
    a., find          b., shall find            c., have find   d., would find
7. We .............. called to the last meeting.
   a., were not    b., was not        c., didn´t          d., have not been
8. They stole ............... dollars from the bank where they work.
    a., a lot    b., five thousands   c., five thousands of   d., five thousand
9. I can see ............... in the mirror.
   a., myself         b., me            c., mine            d., me myself
10. He is a friend ................ .
    a., of my          b., from me       c., of mine         d., from mine
11. Jane was surprised ............... Marks silence.
    a., at             b., with          c., for             d., of
12. The man ............... living in that house is really strange.
    a., which is       b., whose         c., he´s            d., who´s
13. He called me ................ he needed some help.
    a., because        b., so as         c., but             d., although
14. Would you like your project ................ next month?
    a., discuss         b., to be discussed     c., discussing      d., be discussed
15. He told us he ................ the letter a day before.
    a., sent       b., has sent    c. had sent      d. would have sent


1c, 2a, 3a, 4c, 5d, 6a, 7a, 8d, 9a, 10c, 11a, 12d, 13a, 14b, 15b


COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS alebo slová, ktoré si často mýlime

advice = rada (nepočitateľné podst. meno) I´ll take your advice, Can I give a piece of advice?
advise = poradiť
the doctor advised him against smoking

alike = prídavné meno "podobný, podobajúci sa na seba"  the two cars look very alike; príslovka "podobne" many words sound alike
like = "ako" pri vyjadrení podobnosti s realitou, reálnym faktom
He looks like his brother. You're acting like a complete idiot! It sounded like a joke. ( = but it wasn´t a joke)

amount/amounts of = množstvo (s nepočitateľnými podst. menami t. j. zjednodušenie: s jednotným číslom)  a big amount of space, small amounts of land, a vast amount of money,  some amount of help,
a certain amount of information

number = množstvo (s počitateľnými podst. menami t. j. zjednodušenie: s množným číslom),  the
number of students, a large number of animals, a rising number of cases

belief = viera  Belief is a very powerful thing.
believe = veriť
no matter what it is you believe in ...; Believe me - they will return.



Running a Business Meeting

Voting IV/Voting IV

This decision is final and cannot be appealed. - Toto rozhodnutie je konečné a nie je možné sa proti  nemu odvolať.
A repeat vote will be held in the next meeting which is to be held on (date). - Opakované hlasovanie  sa bude konať na nasledujúcej porade, ktorá sa má konať ..

Interrupting Discussion/Prerušenie diskusie

Excuse me, /I´m sorry, but.... – Prepáčte, ale ....
I’m sorry to interrupt you. - Prepáčte, že Vás prerušujem.
Excuse me/I´m sorry but did I hear you say that ...? - ..., ale hovorili ste, že ...?
...  are/were trying to say that ...? - ... chcete/chceli ste povedať, že ...?
.... did you say/did you mean (that) ...? - ... povedali ste, že .../... mysleli ste tým, že ...
Before you make your next point I would like to ask you to .../to ask you if .../to ask you some questions if I can. - Než prejdete k ďalšiemu bodu, by som Vás chcel požiadať, aby .../by som sa chcel opýtať, či.../by som Vám chcel položiť niekoľko otázok.

The Subject Mentioned Previously/Téma, o ktorej sa už hovorilo

Now I/we may return/go back to the problem/question/issue of …- Teraz sa možem/-e vrátiť k  problému/otázke/záležitosti ...
Let me turn back/return to ... - Dovoľte mi vrátiť sa k …
As Alice mentioned/described/explained/before/earlier, ... - Ako spomínala/popisovala/vysvetľovala  predtým Alica ...
To return to.../Returning to ... - Aby som sa vrátil/sme sa vrátili k ...
To go back to …/Going back to ... - Aby som sa vrátil/sme sa vrátili k ...
Mr Herman, you have already mentioned/touched the matter/problem/… of …. – Pán …, Vy ste už spomenuli/sa dotkli záležitosti/problému …

Keeping the Meeting on Course I/Udržanie mítingu v rámci vymedzeného programu I

Perhaps we should go back to the point of ... - Asi by sme sa mali vrátiť k veci = téme...
That’s really interesting but I’m afraid that’s not to the point. – Je to  skutočne zaujímavé, ale nie je to k veci.
I'm afraid/Sorry, that's outside the scope of this meeting. - ... je to mimo rámca tohto stretnutia.
We're beginning to lose the sight of the main point/ we're steering off topic (a bit) with this. - ... vzďalujeme sa = odkláňame sa týmto (trocha) od hlavného bodu = témy. 



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04. október 2024 02:39