
How to answer the tricky interview questions

12.03.2007, 23:00

Put one of the following parts of the text in each gap.

A - regardless of , B - for the interview, C - is looking for, D - range in your field, E - truly interested,    F - yourself apart, G - pressed for, H - have to be , I -  to recognize aspects of yourself 

Does the idea of going to a job interview make you feel a little uneasy? Many people find that it is the hardest part of the hiring process. But it does not ...(1). The more you prepare and practice, the more comfortable you will feel. Being well-prepared will boost your confidence and lower your anxiety.

Although every interview is different, there are some questions that are common across the board. Reading through the following tips and developing your own answers is a good place to start in your preparation ...(2).

Why should we hire you? Here is the chance to really sell yourself. You need to lay out briefly and succinctly your strengths, qualifications and what you can bring to the table. Avoid answers which are too general. Nearly everyone says they are hardworking and motivated. Set ...(3) by telling the interviewer about qualities that are unique to you.

Why do you want to work here? This helps the interviewer see if you have done your homework. You should never go to a job interview unless you have enough information about the company, their products, customers and major competitors. Let the interviewer know that you are ...(4)in the company and the position.

What are your greatest weaknesses? The secret to answering this question is being honest about a weakness, but also demonstrating how you have turned it into a strength. You should show that you have the ability ...(5) that need improvement, and have the initiative and ambition to make yourself better.

Why did you leave your last job? Even if your last job ended badly, be careful about being negative in answering this question. Be as diplomatic as possible ...(6) why you left, Do not speak badly about your previous employer. The interviewer may wonder if you will be bad-mouthing his company next time you are looking for work.

What accomplishment are you most proud of? The secret to this question is selecting professionally relevant accomplishments. Think of the qualities the company ...(7) and develop an example that demonstrates how you can meet the company's needs.

What are your salary expectations? This is one of the hardest questions, particularly for those with little experience. To find out how much the job (and you) are worth you should research the salary ...(8) before going to your interview. During the interview you should be patient and wait until the employer makes you an offer. If you are asked what your salary requirements are say that they are open based upon the position and the responsibilities. If ...(9) a more specific answer, always give a range, rather than a specific number.

1 H, 2 B, 3 F, 4 E, 5 I, 6 A, 7 C, 8 D, 9 G



MODALS Prepíšte s použitím "must, can´t, may, may not."

EXAMPLE: Maybe they are here. =  They may be here.
                     I am sure they are here. = They must be here.

  1. Perhaps he is ill.
  2. I am sure she is at home.
  3. Perhaps they will take a taxi.
  4. I am sure the boy is running temperature.
  5. Perhaps he does not live with his parents.
  6. I am sure it did not cost much.
  7. Perhaps you are right.
  8. I am sure they enjoyed their holiday.
  9. Maybe they were waiting for us at the station.
 10. I am sure Edward did not speak to the manager.
 11. I am sure the new dress suited you very well.
 12. Maybe she does not like it.
 13. I am sure the tickets do not cost more than 70 crowns.
 14. I am sure it was not easy to book the seat.


1 he may/might be, 2 she must be, 3 they may/might take, 4, the boy must be running, 5 he may/might not live, 6 it can´t have cost, 7 you may/might be, 8 they must have enjoyed, 9 they may/might have been waiting, 10 Edward can´t have spoken, 11 the new dress must have suited, 12 she may/might not like, 13 the tickets can´t cost, 14 it can´t have been


COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS alebo slová, ktoré si často mýlime

racket  =  raketa (športová) a tennis racket
rocket =  raketa (vojenská, vesmírna) 
a rocket engine; to build/destroy rockets

prove =  dokázať to prove one´s innocence; it was proved right/wrong/false/guilty/...
proof =   dôkaz 
proof of innocence

raise =  zodvihnúť, t. j. aj vo význame "zvýšiť " raise your heads/right hand; to raise taxes/one´s voice
rise =  stúpať
prices keep rising; the sun is rising

Running or taking part in a business meeting

Disagreement II/Nesúhlas II
very direct (sometimes informal!!)
It’s out of question. - To je vylúčené.
I don’t see how you can ... - Nechápem, ako môžete ...
You don’t expect me to believe ...., do you? - Ne čakáte, že verím/uverím ..., že? 
Not me!/Not with me!- Ja nie!/So mnou nie! (veľmi expresívne!!!)
That’s incredible/ridiculous! - To je neuveriteľné/smiešne!
You can’t be serious (about it)!/You can’t mean that! - Toto nemyslíte vážne.
We can’t and won’t accept it. - Nemôžeme a nebudeme to akceptovať.  

very formal  
Some phrases to start with 
With respect, /I am sorry, but/I am afraid/Well, as a matter of fact,/Actually,/In fact,/Well, + ...

I think you may be misinformed /very much mistaken (here/there/in this/in that). - Myslím, že v tomto/tom môžete byť zle informovaní/sa môžete veľmi mýliť.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say/claim = maintain/insist ... - Nešiel/-a by som až tak ďaleko, aby som hovoril-a/tvrdil-a/trval-a na tom, že ...   
Is there any proof / evidence + of …./that ... ? - Existuje nejaký dôkaz o ...?/že ...?
That’s not quite the thing to do/say. - Toto asi nie je celkom to, čo je treba urobiť/povedať.
I’m not sure I can (entirely) agree/go along with you on this. - Nie som si istý/-á, či s Vami môžem v tomto (úplne) súhlasiť.
Personally, I am inclined to disagree/to see the things differently/to doubt that. - Osobne by som skôr nesúhlasil-a/videl-a veci inak/by som o tom pochyboval/-a.
That’s not the way I see it. - Takto to nevidím. 
I would suggest looking at it from another angle. - Navrhoval/-a by som, aby sme sa na to pozreli z iného uhla.       
No, and I am afraid I won’t change my mind/nothing can change my mind. - Nie a obávam sa, že nezmením názor/nič nemôže zmeniť môj názor.        
I can’t say I share your point of view. - Nemôžem povedať, že zdieľam Váš názor.
I see the things rather differently. - Vidím veci inak.
It should be reconsidered. - Malo by sa to opätovne zvážiť.
Our opinions here/there/in this/of this matter differ. - V tomto/tom/v tejto veci sa naše názory líšia.
Having reached the agreement/Dosiahnutá dohoda
Right / OK / Fine/Well, + we agree/that’s agreed then/that´s settled then/that’s a deal then.
formal / polite: We are be in complete agreement/have arrived at agreement on ... = have reached    agreement on ...



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