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12.03.2007, 23:00

Heavy metal

Modify the words in bold letters so that they will logically and gramatically fit the text.

Heavy metal is a genre of rock music that develops between 1968 and 1974. With roots in blues-rock and psychedelic rock, the bands that created heavy metal developed a thin, heavy, guitar-and-drums-centered sound, characterized by highly amplified distortion and slow guitar solos. Allmusic declares, "Of all rock & roll's myriad forms, heavy metal is the extreme in terms of volume and theatricality."
Heavy metal has long had a worldwide following of fans known as "metalheads" or "headbangers". Although late heavy metal bands such as Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath attracted large audiences, they were critically reviled at the time, a status common throughout the history of the genre. As the original wave of heavy metal bands began to wane, the late 1970s brought the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, which stripped away a little of the music's blues influence and fused it with a punk rock sensibility.
Heavy metal become broadly popular during the 1980s, when many now-widespread subgenres first evolved. Variations more aggressive and extreme than metal music of the past were mostly restriction to an underground audience.
Common themes in heavy metal lyric are sex, violence, fantasy, and life. The sexual nature of many heavy metal lyrics, ranging from Led Zeppelin to the glam metal bands of the 1980s, is derived for the genre's roots in blues music.Through the late 1970s and early 1980s, pioneering heavy metal bands often excluded outlandish and fantasy-inspired lyrics.
Iron Maiden wrote songs inspired by mythology, fiction and poetics, such as in "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" which is based on the Samuel Taylor Coleridge poem of the same name. Other examples include Black Sabbath's "Fairies Wear Boots" and "The Wizard", Megadeth's "The Conjuring" and "Five Magic," and Judas Priest's "Dreamer Deceiver."

Other artist base their lyrics on war, nuclear annihilation, environmental issues, and politic or religious propaganda. Examples include Black Sabbath's "War Pigs", Ozzy Osbourne's "Killer of Giants", Metallica's ...And justice to All, Iron Maiden's" 2 Minutes to Midnight"and "For the Greater Good of God", Accept's "Balls to the Wall" and Rage Against the Machine's entire catalog. Death is a predominant theme in heavy metal, and features in the lyrical content of artists so as Black Sabbath, Metallica, and W.A.S.P.
Themes of darkness, evil, power and apocallypse are language components for addressing the reality of human existence, and heavy metal developed as a reaction to the "piece and love" hippie culture of the 1960s. The thematic content of heavy metal has long been a target of criticism. Music critics have often deemed metal lyrics and imagery banal.

developed, thick, fast, most extreme, early, much, became, restricted, lyrics, from, included, poetry, Five Magics, artists, political, And Justice for All, such as, apocalypse, peace and love




Choose so or such to complete the sentences.

1. I was very embarassed – it was...............a stupid mistake!
2. He was...........ill that I took him to hospital.
3. They worked...............slowly that they didn´t finish!
4. It was.......................expensive that I didn´t buy it.
5. It expensive shop that I walked out.
6. Why are you always..................rude?
7. Please do not make.....................terrible noise!
8. It was......................a nice car that I bought it.
9. You are looking...............healthy!
10.  She was...................a lovely person. I will always remember her.


1. such, 2. so, 3. so, 4. so, 5. such, 6. so, 7. such, 8. such, 9. so, 10. such


COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS alebo slová, ktoré si často mýlime

alternatively - alternatívne, dávajúc možnosť výberu z viacerých variant. (I may buy the this little camera here. Alternatively, I might buy the big one over there.)

alternately - striedavo, v ťahoch, jeden po druhom (The man and the bear guarded the cave alternately.)

assure - sloveso - zaručiť, uistiť niekoho
insure - sloveso – poistiť vo finančnom ústave 
ensure  sloveso – uistiť sa (John ensured that he would have enough money to renovate his house.)

female - pohlavie ženy, alebo zvieraťa (The female of the species is very aggressive.)
feminine - prídavné meno - typicky ženský



A 'salary' is the money you are paid, usually monthly, for doing a job, usually non-manual.
• I get a good salary but I need more money.
• What sort of salary are they offering?
A 'competitive salary' is a good one for that particular job.
• We are offering a very competitive salary so we should get good applicants.
• We are not recruiting the best people because our salaries are not very competitive.
A person who gets a salary is a 'salaried employee'.
• We've reduced the number of salaried employees by 50% and replaced them by temporary workers.
• It is much easier to get a loan if you are a salaried employee.
If you need money, you can ask for 'a salary advance'.
• Can I have a salary advance? I'm broke.
• I asked my boss for a salary advance but he refused to give me one.
If you 'undertake a salary review', you look at all the salaries to decide which need changing.
• The committee are undertaking a salary review and will report back in a few weeks time.
• We need to undertake a salary review as our salaries are not very competitive.
'A salary scale' is the range of salaries available.
• When you start, you will be at the bottom of the salary scale but you will not stay there for long.
• Our salary scale is not very competitive compared to our competition.
If a salary is good, we can say that it is 'attractive'.
• We are offering a very attractive salary for the job.
• It is an attractive salary but I will have to work on Saturdays.
Everybody hopes to get a 'salary increase'.
• We had no salary increase this year because the company was in trouble.
• If you offer me an increase in salary, I will stay.
The 'basic salary' is the salary before any extras such as bonuses.
• The basic salary is quite low but there are large incentive bonuses.
• I prefer to have a large basic salary as there is more security.
When you start a job, you will receive your 'initial salary'.
• The initial salary is quite low but you should get promoted to a better job quite quickly.
• If we want to recruit better people, we will have to offer a more competitive initial salary. 



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05. október 2024 21:39