ESG summit 2023 SNÍMKA: Hn KonferencieSNÍMKA: Hn Konferencie

CFA SOCIETY SLOVAKIA - ESG Summit 2023, 19.4.2023, Radisson Blu Carlton

08.02.2023, 13:47

The main purpose of CFA Society Slovakia ESG Summit 2023 is to proceed with the predecessor‘s agenda - to present the most current topics in the field of ESG and provide a platform for discussion not only for bankers, legislators, asset managers, academics, corporate advisors but also for companies and investors. We will address topics such as ESG rating, net zero plans, the ECB‘s climate crisis plan, and many others. Professionally, matter-of-factly and without marketing.

CFA Society Slovakia promotes ethical and professional standards within the investment industry, encourages professional development through the CFA Program, and facilitates the open exchange of information and opinions.

9:00-9:30 – Registration, breakfast and networking

Master of ceremonies- Martin Kažimír – Executive Director of CFA Society Slovakia


9:30-10:15 – CFA Society Slovakia Opening

  • Marek Prokopec, CFA – President of CFA Society Slovakia – Introduction of CFA Institute and CFA Society (SVK)
  • Norbert Kurilla  – Green Transition Advisor to the President of Slovakia, Office of the President of the Slovak Republic
  • Martin Kutný, CFA – CFA Society Slovakia – Certificate in ESG Investing (SVK)

ESG from Regulatory and Academic Perspective

10:15-10:45 – ESG ratings and data imperfection - Kornelia Fabisik, CFA, PRM – Assistant Professor of Finance at the University of Bern

10:45-11:00 – Coffee Break

11:00-11:30 – ESG ratings - Sven Gentner –  Head of Unit European Commission - Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union - Deputy DirectorGeneral - Financial Markets - Corporate reporting, audit and credit rating agencies  (ENG)

11:30-12:00 - Incorporation of ESG principles into the Recovery and Resilience Plan - Peter Goliaš - Director of Education, Inovation and Public Finance Section/Institute for Strategies and Analysis, Recovery and Resilience Plan, Government Office of the Slovak Republic

12:00 – 12:15 – Charter Awarding Ceremony

12:15-13:15 – Lunch

13:15 – 13:35 – Music performance VŠMÚ

Impact of ESG on Business

Presentation followed by a panel discussion moderated by Pavol Truchan, CFA - Board Member of CFA Society Slovakia

13:35 – 13:55 – Presentation: Impact of ESG on Business - Peter Molnár, ACCA, Manager, Climate Change and Sustainability Services, EY

13:55 – 14:55 - Panel Discussion:

  • Andrej Viceník - Member of the Management Board and Executive Director Corporate, VUB
  • Tomáš Kvašňovský -  Sustainability Manager, Tatra banka
  • Peter Dovhun - Chairman of the Board and CEO, SEPS
  • Peter Goliaš - Director of Education, Innovation and Public Finance Section/Institute for Strategies and Analysis, Recovery and Resilience Plan, Government Office of The Slovak Republic;

14:55 -15:10– Break

Impact of ESG on Investing

Presentation followed by a panel discussion moderated by Alojz Šimičák, CFA - Board Member of CFA Society Slovakia

15:10 – 15:30 - Presentation: Impact of ESG on Investing, Michal Maxim, FCCA, SCR, Associate Partner, ESG Transformation, KPMG Slovensko

15:30 -16:30 – Panel Discussion:

  • Peter Jedinák - Councel, Banking and Finance Department, Allen & Overy
  • František Szulényi - Director, Risk Management Department, National Bank of Slovakia, (SVK)
  • Jakub Křivan - Director Institutional Clients CEE & Nordics at Quantic Financial, Quantic Financial
  • Tibor Baniar - Compliance Officer, Asset Management Slovenskej sporitelne, sprav. spol., a.s. (SVK)

16:30 -16:45 – Event closing

16:45 – 22:00 - Networking



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SNÍMKA: Hn Konferencie


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SNÍMKA: Hn Konferencie

Kontaktná osoba:

Júlia Andrejčíková, Event Manager, 0948 988 124, Táto e-mailová adresa je chránená pred spamovacími robotmi. Na jej zobrazenie potrebujete mať nainštalovaný JavaScript.

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